
I miss him, but I can’t let myself get hurt no more.

I see my future in him, but my heart tells me I’ll spend most of my time alone.

Doesn’t seem like a quality life for me, nice things are great but having him means so much more to me.

I left but I miss him even though he scares me it is what it is.

My body knows him very well, reminisces on how we use to tap that often!

I miss him, but I can’t let myself hurt no more.

He meant what it said, always good intentions even if they didn’t turn out to be his best yet and still they were his.

Love him, but I left him not sure he understands why but having stability and structure is so necessary for me, personally.

I gotta believe you, see I’m a submissive woman to my man and I know how to follow but I can’t be led astray.

I miss him, but I can’t let myself hurt no more.

I know, he’s looking up at his ceiling phuk’d up with me cause I’m sitting in the corner of my couch watching him.

Praying someone will love him as real as I did but they’ll get what wasn’t available to me; stability.

It’s not what I want, but he too let me go said I wasn’t happy with him so he’d rather see me happy without him.

Somehow, it doesn’t seem to be going as he said but I refuse to be a bitter resentment or bad memory to him.

I tried to make ‘em see my side and I thought he understood but now I’m not so sure.  So, I’ll do what I do best write my heart out.

God is the primary

Work is the necessity

Socializing is healthy but there has to be a work-life balance, you said I was part of your life but you gave me no space to live and because of your high-demand planned promises should never be broken, especially to me; your woman.

No hard feelings, I just wish it went better.

I saw my future in him, but my heart told me I’ll spend most of my time alone.

I miss him, but I can’t let myself get hurt no more.  I deserve more and it’s clear he’s done tyring his best and I can’t fault him for that.



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